Sunday, November 17, 2013

not religious...why not?

We’ve all been in this situation…
“hi… my name is ___ I’m a Christian”
“so you’re religious, then?”
“It’s not religion… it’s a relationship”
What does that really mean? Religion as defined by Webster’s dictionary as the service and worship of God or the supernatural: commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. Is that not what Christianity is? We build our lives around the belief that we are created by,  and therefore held accountable to, a supreme, supernatural and omniscient being to whom we refer to as God. There’s a word that we’ve decided to use to specifically describe our relationship with God. That word is religion. Other belief systems have adopted our term because they wanted to be accountable to a less powerful being based on human traits. However, since our God is eternal, they were forced to pattern their belief system after the one true religion. Does this mean that it is in our best interest to throw the term away entirely? I think not.
                The bible uses several comparisons to help us to understand the nature of our relationship with God. The reason for this is simple. It is impossible for finite beings to fully understand an infinite God. These comparisons are very helpful. However, in our humanity we make applications where applications shouldn’t be made. For instance, if you tell someone that God is your heavenly father, they might assume he’s absent from your life or that he’s abusive. If you claim Him as the eternal judge, they may picture him as one to be paid off for personal gain. If He’s your great physician, he’s an egotistical narcissist who holds control over your well-being. I could go on, but I digress.
                My point is, because of our humanity, our relationship with our savior is extremely hard to describe. He is a being that is full of paradoxes. He’s the Lion of the tribe of Judah and he’s the sacrificial Lamb. He lived a life of a servant so that He could be our sacrifice. He allowed himself to be beaten and perceived as weak, so that we could witness His power for eternity. He cannot abide sin; however He desires a relationship with the sinner. So yes, it is a relationship. However, it is also a religion. What other term can one use to describe an eternal relationship between mere humans and an infinite God who deserves our worship?
                But it’s such an antiquated term, you say. Do you know what else is antiquated? God’s love. God has been the same for an eternity past and will be the same forever. His love existed before time itself. Before he created time for us, He loved us with a love beyond our comprehension. Our lives as Christians are to be lived with Christ as our center. Every decision we make should be made in the context of eternity. We are servants of the most high God. It’s time we accepted the social stigma of being religious.  After all, in the context of eternity…this life is but a vapor.